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Around the point of sale


In our blog, we report on current topics and trends relating to the point of sale: interested visitors can find out about news in the areas of promotion, retail marketing, online and digital here. Furthermore, we keep our readers up to date on our internal agency activities. For example, new employees introduce themselves here or we post about our PosLive video consultants.

The Golden Twenties of Retail

The Golden Twenties of Retail

The turn of the year is always accompanied by good resolutions. With the start of a new decade, the whole thing sounds even better. For a decade can be …

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Transformation processes at MSD

Transformation processes at MSD

Since the end of last year, Ceconomy, parent company of the consumer electronics retailers Media Markt and Saturn, has been making headlines. The reason was initially that …

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Brands, we have a problem!

Brands, we have a problem!

Retail is dead! Long live retail! – To understand how we, as your partner in all things retail, will shape the future of brick-and-mortar retail …

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