+ 49 30 509 307 500 kontakt@profiflitzer.de

Smart tools with powerful effect

In-house software solutions

Modern Business Intelligence

We offer individual anlayse displays and tools. Why? Because each of our partners is unique – and that’s not a saying. Different teams, even in one company, need different perspectives on information. PRofiFLITZER Business Intelligence stands for dashboards that are tailored to your needs. If required, we can develop a customized data warehouse to make your data from a wide variety of sources quickly available to any actor in the future.

Choose the Premium package to analyze your data and get a comprehensive overview of all operations, markets, sales, inventory and skilled personnel. Using different dashboards, you can capture and compare all data on your operations level by level – at any time. Investments can be tracked, audited and targeted.

In all aspects, the protection of your data has top priority. All processes are executed in a DSGVO-compliant manner.

You get full transparency over the data from our tools. This enables you to make decisions based on number-based facts and thus play it safe at all times. All KPI’s on your customized dashboard can be reviewed.

We analyze your data to make forecasts for the future based on numbers. We extensively evaluate historical data and use state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and computational models. this is how we forecast meaningful developments. This knowledge means valuable insight into figures and trends for our partners. A competence that we have ahead of other competitors.

Predictive Analytics

Artificial intelligence for sales forecasting
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With our software you always have info about …

Sales figures Survey results Daily data Operational reports Personnel planning

Product Availability Inventory PoS Readiness Photo Documentation

Individual solutions for your brand

Tools for the point of sale

Everything in view with our smart tools

Sales figure analysis

Evaluate your sales campaigns within the shortest possible time. Use extensive analysis functions and then export the data to Excel.

Photo documentation

Find out at any time what exactly is happening at the point of sale. Visual inspection of product presentations, before/after comparisons, etc.

Visit/survey analysis

Whether customer surveys, market share, price or competition analyses – you will get all answers clearly presented.

Operations overview

Track all staffing and deployment schedules online! For more transparency and insight. With the integrated features you get additional daily updated information.

Product availabilities

Here you get an exact overview of the available quantities of your products at the PoS – regardless of whether they are visible or in stock.


With our own PoSLive Studio we can realize different training scenarios: Live Streams, 1:1, 1:Many and interactive Live Surveys.

Ready when they are

We market your products

Our goal is to become the best point of sale promotion agency in Europe. We are very proud to offer our protfolio to a diversified customer base of well-known brands. We also want to convince you of PRofiFLITZER. Write to us!