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Retail is dead! Long live retail! – In order to understand how we, as your partner in all retail matters, see the future of stationary retail, we would like to provide you with promising experiences and visionary outlooks for the point of sale instead of the tiresome doomsday scenarios.

Sure, the specter of online commerce still haunts us, but we have all the tools in hand and even advancing digitization on our side. It’s just a matter of visiting the markets with open eyes and minds and discovering their potential in order to offer the customer the best possible buying experience. Better than any surf trip in the endless expanses of the Internet.

Brands, we have a problem!

Source: Statista

Excursus – The rocky road of the customer

Let’s first consider the customer who, in addition to his daily challenges between work and household, hardly finds time to relax, exercise or meditate in peace. A customer who pours the 5-minute terrine during the lunch break or prefers to wait until the evening to order something from the delivery service. This customer, an average citizen of a large city, either wants to satisfy his needs as quickly and uncomplicatedly as possible or leisurely stroll around a bit. In both cases, the consumer good does not matter in principle. Now he has the option of ordering all the things he needs online from his office chair or sofa, or he goes to the nearest shopping center or grocery store after work or on Saturdays. If he decides on the latter, the customer’s expectations in the here and now consist primarily of 3 components:


  1. The consumer goods are there and he can take them right away.
  2. The goods are offered clearly visible with all information about price and quantity and are in perfect condition.
  3. In the event of indecision on the spot, he receives first-class advice.

Photo Freepik

Making the customer king

Actually, the above points are part of the basic service. After all, time is money and as part of this concept, the customer naturally wants to get something for their willingness to visit the retail store.

Especially when quality is measured by service, the customer must become king again. When the streets of Berlin and Munich lose their right-hand lanes to the countless delivery services that transport entire furnishings and filled refrigerators into the hallowed halls of privacy, then the red carpet must be rolled out for this customer in stationary retail. He must come to a temple, a glamorous place where the true treasures are, which he can take away right away. A place where no questions remain unanswered, new scents and exotic goods are waiting to be discovered by him.

My Space – Creative staging of your own space

Probably at this point, one finally suspects what this recapitulation of the average everyday life of every person in the Western world amounts to. It means no more and no less than responsibility. The responsibility for providing the customer with an appealing offer and the best possible service. And now, of course, comes the crucial question: Do you, as a brand, really want to leave this responsibility to the respective market? Do you want to trust that everything will go well there? Or keep the responsibility in your hand. Do you prefer to develop your own store design, your personal visual merchandising, in the form of shop-in-shop models? Your own little oasis in the middle of a dry desert of offers. Where the parched customer thirsts for a little inspiration, a little information?

Storytelling and Experience

Proven, brick-and-mortar retail is still the main point of contact in retail. Even though it looks like electrical appliances are increasingly being ordered online. In short, it’s not too late, of course, and retailers can come up with look, feel and numerous incentives for the experience, be it through professional advice, tasting, hands-on activities. We, as your partner and professional at the point of sale, have the experience and limitless ideas for your perfect market presence. Together with you, we will gladly take responsibility for your space, your blooming oasis, which is no longer just a mirage, but a very real place for your product, your service, your brand.

PoS Saturn store


Cover picture professional speedster

[1] “Come, I’ll tell you a story”, Jorge Bucay, Zurich 2005.